
Nag-wearNag-wear helps you to pace yourself to meet your daily goals.

To do this, Nag-wear calculates what you should have achieved by the current time of day to be on track, and compares this with your actual achievement so far. This information is displayed on a graph, a summary line and a motivational ‘cheer’.

Swap between energy (Cal/kJ), steps, distance and Active Zone Minutes (AZM) by touching the top of the screen.

When viewing energy, Nag-wear only considers activity-related values and excludes BMR. This simplifies things because you won’t get credit for doing nothing.

There are three types of graph: zoomed bar (centred on the current on-track value), whole-day bar, and 2D. Change graphs by touching the right side of the screen. Select which numbers to display on the graph by touching the left side of the screen.

The summary line compares your achievement so far with the current on-track target or daily goal. Touch the bottom of the screen to swap.

You can customise Nag-wear’s cheers, colours, etc.

Nag-wear has an Always-On Display mode.

Cost: $1USD+tax.

Get Nag-wear

On-Track Calculation

Nag-wear compares your current level of achievement with the value you should have achieved at the current time (ie, your ‘on-track’ value). The on-track value is based on three simple assumptions:

  • During the early morning (ie, before your ‘activity period’), you don’t do anything.
  • During the evening (ie, after your ‘activity period’), you don’t do anything.
  • During your activity period, you’re active at a constant rate that gets you to your goal at the end of the activity period.

You can change the start and end times of the activity period in Nag-wear’s settings.

The 2D graph shows how the on-track figure changes throughout the day. It also shows the effect of changing the start and end times of the activity period.

Basal Metabolic Rate

Most clock faces show your energy (Calorie or kilojoule) activity level increasing even if you’re inactive. This is because of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy you expend simply by being alive. It usually contributes more than half of your daily energy goal.

The inclusion of BMR in energy statistics makes it hard to see what you’ve achieved through activity, as opposed to just sitting around. It also makes it hard to tell when you’ve done enough activity to get you to your daily energy goal.

To make things simpler and clearer, Nag-wear removes your BMR from the displayed values. This has the following effects:

  • Your daily energy goal is reduced, so the displayed goal is what you need to achieve through exercise or other activity.
  • Your current on-track target is reduced similarly.
  • Your achievement so far is also reduced, and shows only what you’ve achieved through activity.

With these changes, it’s obvious when you’ve burnt enough energy for the day: your achievement will meet or exceed your goal. This makes it no harder than working out whether you’ve achieved a goal of 10,000 steps.

It also means that the shape of your on-track graph will be the same as that for steps, distance and AZM: outside of your activity period, the on-track value will not increase. In contrast, if BMR were included, the on-track value would always increase.

Because Nag-wear excludes BMR energy, the energy values it displays will be less than those reported by other clockfaces and apps.

Graph Types

Nag-wear can display three types of graphs. You can cycle between them by touching the right side of the screen.

Zoomed Bar

nag-zoom.pngThe bar represents the level of activity for the activity type indicated by the icon at the top of the screen (energy/steps/distance/AZM). The on-track figure for the current time of day will always be in the centre of the graph, and is indicated by a triangular marker. The range of values across the width of the graph can be adjusted using the 'zoomed graph range' setting for each activity type.

Normally, the bar graph won’t display the whole day’s requirement. When your goal is off the right side of the graph, a triangular arrow-head will be shown on the right. When zero is off the left side of the graph, a triangular arrow-head will be shown on the left. If zero is within the graph’s range, it will be indicated using a vertical grey line.

The bar can show up to three coloured bands. The central band is around the on-track value; the width of this band can be adjusted using the 'on-track tolerance' setting for each activity type. A coloured band to the left of this indicates the below-track region. A coloured band to the right indicates the above-track region. The below-track and above-track bands aren’t always visible  since their position and width depends on the time of day and the width of the on-track band.

Your current level of achievement is shown using an icon of a face above the bar. If your achievement is too far away from the current on-track figure, the icon will be displayed at the appropriate edge of the graph, with « or » beside it indicating that the achievement position is off-screen.

The face’s expression changes depending on which band it’s in (ie, below-track, on-track, above-track, or above-goal).

By touching the left side of the screen and using the 'zoomed graph range' setting, you can control the display of numbers on the graph. The current on-track figure will be displayed below the on-track triangle marker, your current level of achievement will be shown beside the face icon, and the width of the graph (if selected in settings) will be shown on either side.

Whole-of-day Bar

nag-day.pngThe whole-of-day bar graph is similar to the zoomed bar graph. The difference is that it always displays the whole-day’s activity requirement. Zero will always be visible on the left, and the right end of the bar always indicates your daily goal.

The on-track marker, and the on-track colour band, will move from the left side of the bar to the right side of the bar as the day progresses.

If you achieve more than your daily goal, the width of the bar will reduce so that your level of achievement can be shown in comparison to the goal (ie, the face never goes off the side of the screen).


nag-2d.pngThe 2D graph plots activity against time.

The horizontal axis represents the whole of the current day, from midnight to midnight.

The vertical axis represents the level of activity for the activity type indicated by the icon at the top of the screen (energy/steps/distance/AZM).

The bent stripe going from the lower left to the upper right indicates the on-track region. The thickness of this band can be adjusted using the 'on-track tolerance' setting for each activity type.

The coloured area at the lower right is the below-track region.

The coloured area at the upper left is the above-track region.

Your daily goal is at the top of the coloured areas.

A white cross marks the on-track value for the current time of day.

A white dot marks your current level of achievement. A face is displayed beside the dot; the face’s expression changes depending on which band it’s in (ie, below-track, on-track, above-track, or above-goal).

If your level of achievement exceeds your daily goal, the coloured areas will squash down. This lets you see by how much you’ve beaten your goal.

By touching the left side of the screen, you can control the display of numbers on the graph.


Nag-wear’s settings are accessible using the Fitbit app on your phone/tablet/computer. Most of the settings are self-explanatory. These ones may warrant explanation:

Activity Period

Select the times between which you’re normally active. Nag-wear uses this period to calculate your on-track value throughout the day. Viewing the 2D graph on your watch helps you to see what difference the activity period makes (although it applies to all graph types).

Energy, Steps, Distance and Active Zone Minutes

Display: whether Nag-wear will show information about this activity type. If you’re not interested in an activity type, set its Display toggle to off. Then, when you switch between activity types by touching the top of the screen, Nag-wear will skip over it.

Zoomed graph range: the distance from the centre of the zoomed bar graph (where the on-track marker lies) to either side of the graph. This is expressed in terms of the units applicable to the activity type (calories, kJ, steps, miles, km, AZM).

On-track tolerance: how close to the exact on-track value you must be to be considered ‘on track’. This affects the width of the on-track bands on all of the graphs, as well as colours and the cheer message. It is expressed in terms of the units applicable to the activity type (calories, kJ, steps, miles, km, AZM).

Graph Values

Zoomed graph range: when values are displayed on the zoomed bar graph, the zoomed graph range is also displayed.

Auto-hide: values displayed on graphs will automatically disappear after ten seconds. Touch the left side of the screen to display them for another ten seconds.

Ahead/behind Summary

By touching near the the bottom of the screen, you can change whether the summary line compares your current achievent with the current on-track figure or with your daily goal. If you exceed your goal, you may no longer be interested in the amount by which you’ve exceeded the on-track figure. If so, turn on the ‘set to goal when reached’ toggle, which will cause Nag-wear to always display a goal-relative summary when you exceed your goal.


Nag-wear displays a cheer near the bottom of the screen. The cheer it uses depends on how your current achievement compares to your on-track and goal values. To change a cheer message, touch the one you want to change and enter a new message.

You can personalise your messages by putting your name in them; eg, ‘You’re my hero, Sam!’.


You can change the colours used for the three graph bands, and a fourth colour used for ‘above goal’. The colours are also used for various other display elements, depending on how your current achievement compares to your on-track and goal values.

To change a colour, touch one of the four colour swatches, then use the Red, Green and Blue sliders to change the amount of that component in the colour. The corresponding colour swatch will change accordingly, and Nag-wear should follow suit within a few seconds.

Full-colour 2D graph: if you think that the 2D graph looks overwhelming when the below-track and above-track bands are coloured, turn this toggle off.