

Tilt is different! Screenshots can't show you the whole story, so check out the video below.

Move smoothly between nine full-screen info boxes by changing the angle of your wrist. There are graphs for each of the standard activity stats (as well as heart rate and hourly steps), two clock styles — and even a one-month calendar.

Because Tilt gives you nine times the screen area, each panel is big and bold. No more squinting at tiny fonts!

The multi-layered background also moves, giving a 3D effect. Choose between underwater and space themes.

Each activity graph has a bar showing your current achievement above a bar showing your goal. If you beat your goal, the lower bar shrinks so you can see how well you’ve done. There’s also a marker showing where you should be at the current time of day.

To make the most of Tilt, increase your watch’s Screen Timeout setting. It’d be a shame if those cool graphics disappeared while you’re showing them off!

Cost: $1 USD + tax.

Get Tilt

Tilt in Action


Water background: pxhere.

Upper left fish: image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay.

Upper right fish: Lilla Frerichs (publicdomainpictures.net) from needpix.

Lower left fish: image by from publicdomainpictures.net.

Lower right fish: image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay.

Neptune: image from Wikipedia.

Jupiter: image from Wikipedia.

Saturn: image from NASA/JPL/USGS.

Earth: image from Wikipedia.